Wednesday 31 July 2013

Mens fashion

I adore men who know how to dress well, your dress sense/ style can make you more attractive. One essential item every man must have is a suit (just like every girl must have a black dress.) suits just makes a man look more masculine with the tailored broad shoulders and the perfect fitting trousers, not too tight and not too loose. Nick wooster is a massive example of a guy who really knows how to rock suits.
Nick wooster is a man who can make middle aged men cry, i mean look at him. He's like a tattited up real life Greek god. You can never go wrong with a bit of wooster.
Everything is on point
Aswell as smart clothing all men need casual clothing they can come home to. For men simplicity is the way forward, wearing plain colours like black,white,grey,red can make a simple outfit look quality. A good example of a male who dose this is kanye west.
Kanye west fashion week As people would say `yeezy thought me` Yeezy has become a massive fashion icon to many young people male and female. His style screams luxury and money.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Mmu degree show

So a couple of months ago me and a friend thought we would check out the Manchester met school of art degree show. It was really inspirational there was lots of amazing work, and the new building was amazing it had a cookout area on the roof open space and wonderful scenery of Manchester. I didn't take much pictures because my battery was low, but I mainly took pics from the art foundation exhibition.
This peice is made out of number 
The detail is amazing 
Distored faces
This work is very quirky bright and unqie 
I love this jacket its a metaphor of how something can be hidden  from outside.
creepy but i like
This chair is like something off saw
It was an eventful day and i was inspired by the gothic dark and quriky work, wich i might start bringing to my work.

first post- brief explanation about myself / life

Hi guys as you can see this is my first post, I'm really excited to be starting an personal blog ( i have a tumblr blog follow me )This blog is gonna be about Fashion, Styling, Photography, Art, Hair and beauty, D.I.Y's, random stuff and many more. I thought i would start up a blog , to help me get a step closer into my career, basically anything creative. I'm fun loving and hardworking girl, who's just trying to find her self. I've currently finished college and I'm hoping to do art foundation diploma in September , if i get my grades. Art foundation is basically like mix media course, where you get to try out , Art, Textiles,Graphics,photography, 3D designs and many more. I'm really excited !.
                       ....  Why Art foundation  and should I go Uni .....? 
I chose to do Art foundation because I knew i wanted to do something creative but wasn't exactly sure what i want to do in Uni, Till this day I'm still not sure what i want to do, but hopefully it will lead me. At the same time I'm debating 'is it really worth it going to Uni?', your hearing all these people who have degrees but no job. I think in the creative industry you don't really need qualifications / degree as long as you've got skill and talent you can make it, but it all comes down to who you know. My advice for anyone who's going through what i am, is to contact people who know people that know people and get links from them, so being very social and mingling with people can really benefit you, because you don't know who you might meet. Also a good tip is to surround yourselves with creative people, people who have the same gaols as you and help each other. My main quote for life is "trust your struggles"  because without struggle theres no success , so keep pushing and believe in yourself.