Wednesday 26 March 2014


Its been a while since I last  posted  woow, I've being extremely busy sorting out my portfolio and attending uni interviews i'm applying for fashion communication ( soo much stress) well now that's over just waiting for one more uni to get back to me, and its one of the top unis for Fashion : Central Saint Martins.... . It would be soo amazing if I got in ,its so competitive so I doubt ill get in, but ive got a lil bit of hope. Omg the interview was so intense there was two of them I felt like I was in being questioned for a crime I committed, I came out sweating ! but it was an experience ill never forget.

Central Saint Martins

 Here are a few of my work I put in my portfolio for my interview, I wanted my work to be a bit of mixed media, : paining, stitching, photography ect  to show im multi disciplinary
Image from vogue mag, that I turned into deadly sins project

My memories projects -distorted

Conflict -Distorted beauty

Deadly sins -Envy

So now all of that is out of the way I can finally start my final major project. The theme is going to be restriction its got of a lot of bondage and sexual references.  I've not decided excually what my finally out come is going to be I'm going to be experimenting with a few things. I've created a  reflective blog/ online diary  check it out

my final major project blog

Monday 13 January 2014

college cas